How long Should a Cover Letter be for a Schengen Visa



Not more than a page, you should just clearly specify the following-

·         Purpose of travel

·         No. of days of travel

·         Countries you intend to visit

·         One liner on why you will not overstay your visa

·         Dates of travel

·         Brief on your professional profile

·         Itinerary should be included, but my opinion would be keep a separate page for that

·         Mention the attachments in the application

Here is a specimen for you-



(Consulate Details)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: <YOUR NAME>, <COUNTRY> passport no: <NUMBER>, Schengen visa for <PURPOSE>

I would like to apply for a Schengen visa upon my travel to Schengen area from <DATES>.

The main purpose of my travel is <PURPOSE>, given that I want to experience Europe’s culture, food, sights and the way of life. During my stay, I wish to spend a holiday in <NAME OF COUNTRIES>. I am applying via your embassy because I will be staying the longest in <COUNTRY>.

I am employed at <EMPLOYER>, <ADDRESS>, since <DATE>, currently holding the position of <DESIGNATION>.

My employer has already approved my vacation from work for the duration of this trip. I assure you that I will not overstay because I have strong ties here in India not only through my work and personal assets but also through my family ties.

Please, find the following documents to support my visa application:

1. Visa application form and declaration, duly dated and signed

2. Two passport-size photographs as per visa specifications

3. Original and copy of my passport

4. Travel Insurance, coverage of €30,000

5. Leave approval letter from my company/Own company documents. 

6. Confirmed e-ticket for my flight from <DESTINATIONS>

7. Confirmed e-ticket for my bus for inter Schengen state travel

8. Hotel reservations for holidays in <DESTINATIONS>

9. Employment and leave certificates showing approved leaves as well as the date to return to work after my holidays

10. Payslips of the past 3 months as proof of my income

11.E-statement of savings account of the past 6 months


Planned Itinerary has been attached with this cover letter for your reference.

I trust that you will find everything is in order. For any questions or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

Thanking you in advance for a favorable reply to my application.





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